John Omorean
John (Ionica) Omorean was born in the Romanian village of Petrovasila (Vladimirovat), Banat. The local culture's music and dance, being central in his life even as a child, influenced him profoundly.
Having specialized in the field during his higher education in Canada, he continued his postgraduate work in Europe. John received a research specialist certificate from the University of Bucharest and the Institute of Folklore and Ethnography in Romania. He attended the George Enescu School of Choreography and rehearsed with various well known dance and folk ensembles. Most significantly, he participated in field research assignments traveling to various regions in Romania.
John's artistic dance creations are exuberant, wide-ranging, and authentically original. He has choreographed more than forty suites of dances for the Izvorasul and Dunarea Dance Ensembles, along with numerous individual pieces and songs. His guest choreographic commissions include suites of Romanian dances for various ethnic dance ensembles and theatres and his favorite, his own Dunarea si Randunica Children's Dance Group of St. Paul which he considers to be the future for that cultural preservation and expression, for all of us to enjoy, in the generations to follow.
Under his expert guidance, the Izvorasul Romanian Dance Ensemble, founded in 1980, has spread the enjoyment of music and dance throughout North America, Romania, and Serbia. It has done so through performing in countless ethnic festivals, fairs, private celebrations, and theaters. Performing at the Festival of Nations, the group has presented each year a new repertoire or variation.