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Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.
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Basic step paso basico (PAH-soh BAH-see-koh) The basic step is performed in 2 meas of 6/8 meter. It almost always starts on the L and is a running waltz step. Meas 1: Longer step onto L (cts 1-2); step on R near L (cts 3-4). Meas 2: Repeat meas 1 with opp ftwk.
Basic arm pos posicion basica del brazo (poh-zee-SEEYON BAH-see-kah dehl BRAH-zoh) Arms are held slightly diag fwd high, curved, with hands approximately at eye level and fwd to the point where you can just see them with your peripheral vision. Fingers generally snap (castañetas ca-stah-NYEH-tahs) in rhythm with the music.
Balanceo (bah-lahn-SAY-oh) "Even waltz balance" Step on L to L (cts 1-2); step on ball of R slightly behind L (cts 3-4); step on L in place (cts 5-6). Repeat meas 1 with opp ftwk.
Contra giro (kohn-trah HEE-roh) "Reverse turn" Small CW circle, meeting ptr midway in the imaginary square and ending back in orig pos.
Esquina con balanceo (ehss-KEE-nah kohn bah-lahn-SAY-oh) "Rocking with balance" Making a complete CCW turn and traveling CW to next corner of the imaginary square (meas 1-2); balance in place (meas 3-4). Done four times to return to orig pos.
Giro (HEE-roh) "Turn" Small CCW circle, meeting ptr midway in the imaginary square and ending back in orig pos.
Giro final (HEE-roh fee-NAHL) "Final twist" Meas 1-2: Beg L, M and W dance 1 Basic step describing a small 1/2 circle, meeting in the center and passing back to back arms are in Basic pos. Meas 3: M and W step away from ptr on L (cts 1-2); pivot CCW on L 180° to face ptr (cts 3-4); step
Media vuelta (MAY-dee-ah VWEHL-tah) "Turn around" Make 1/2 large CCW circle, usually facing ptr, hands in Basic pos.
Palmas (PAHL-mahs) "Palms" L hand held at eye level to L side of head; R hand claps on L palm in rhythm with the music.
Vuelta (VWEHL-tah) "Turn" Large CCW circle with four Basic steps, usually facing ptr, hands in Basic pos, ending in orig pos.
Zapateo (zah-pah-TAY-oh) "Shoe tapping" Zapateo steps are freely improvised, and any of the zapateo steps might be usd in place of ones specified.
Zapateo basico (zah-pah-TAY-oh BAH-sih-koh) "Basic tapping" 2 meas of 6/8 meter. Meas 1: Stamp L heel beside R ft, no wt (ct 1); stamp ball of L ft beside R ft, taking wt (ct 2); stamp R on whole ft taking wt (ct 3); stamp L heel beside R ft without wt (ct 4); stamp whole L ft taking wt (cts 5-6). Meas 2: Repeat meas 1 with opp ftwk.
Zapateo, basico cruzado (zah-pah-TAY-oh BAH-sih-koh kroo-SAH-doh) "Tapping, basic cross" 2 meas of 6/8 meter. Meas 1: Stamp L heel brushing L ft fwd across R (ct 1); stamp ball of L ft across R ft taking wt briefly (ct 2); stamp on whole R ft taking wt (ct 3); brush stamp L heel beside R ft without wt (ct 4); stamp whole L ft taking wt (cts 5-6). Meas 2: Repeat meas 1 with opp ftwk.
Zapateo, salto con taco (zah-pah-TAY-oh SAHL-toh kohn TAH-koh) "Tapping, jumping with heel" 2 meas of 6/8 meter. Meas 1: Step on L kicking R ft fwd (ct 1); brush R ft back (ct 2); lift on L (ct 3); stamp R near L without wt (ct 4); stamp R near L without wt (cts 5-6). Repeat meas 1 with opp ftwk.
Zapateo, salto con punta (zah-pah-TAY-oh SAHL-toh kohn POON-tah) "Tapping, jumping with toe" 2 meas of 6/8 meter. Meas 1: Step on L kicking R ft out to side (ct 1); tap top of R toe to side bending L knee (ct 2); lift on L (ct 3); stamp R near L without wt (ct 4); stamp R near L without wt (cts 5-6). Meas 2: Repeat meas 1 with opp ftwk.
Zarandeo (zah-rahn-DAY-oh) "Shaking" With 2 Basic steps, W twd or around M. Generally W describes a diamond shape. W can improvise, going twd M or around M or turning back to place.