A 4-step Grapevine beginning with R ft crossing over L; L to L side; R behind L; L to L side. May also beg L.
Yemenite Step with Hop.
Same ftwk as Yemenite Step, but on ct 4 do a hop instead of hold.
Yemenite Step L
Step L to L, bending knees (ct 1); step on R toe next to L heel straightening knees (ct 2); step L across in front of R bending knees (ct 3); hold, straightening knees easily (ct 4). Do not turn hips. A Yemenite step may be danced in 3 cts by eliminating the hold on ct 4.
Yemenite Step R.
Same as Yemenite L, but with opp ftwk and dir.
Fast Yemenite Step.
Same ftwk as Yemenite Step, but takes only two cts of 4/4 meter, that is, cts 1,&,2, hold (ct &). Usually repeats with opp ftwk for cts 2,&,4.
Backward Yemenite.
Step R bkwd, bending knee (ct 1); step on ball of L beside R (ct 2); step R fwd (ct 3); hold (ct 4). May also beg L.
Touch R heel slightly fwd (ct 1); step R (ct &). This step can be done with opp ftwk.
Debka Jump.
Jump to both ft with ft together while turning knees to L side. Jump again while turning knees to orig pos.
Left Cherkessiya.
Step R fwd while raising arms up; step L bkwd bringing arms down; step R bkwd; step L fwd (4 steps to 4 cts).
Right Cherkessiya.
Step L fwd while raising arms up; step R bkwd bringing arms down; step L bkwd; step R fwd (4 steps to 4 cts).
Double Cherkessiya.
Step R across in front of L; step L in back of R; step R to the R side; pause. Reverse with opp ftwk. Add: Step R across in front of L; step L in back of R.
Facing CCW, step fwd (ct 1); step L in front of R (ct 2); facing ctr, step R to R (ct 3); step L behind R (ct 4).
This step can also begin with ct 2: that is, step L in front of R (ct 1); facing ctr, step R to R (ct 2); step L behind R (ct 3); step R fwd (ct 4).
The first Grapevine described is often called and "open grapevine" and the second is often called a "crossing grapevine."
Box Step
Step R to R (ct 1); step L in front of R (ct 2); step R bkwd (ct 3); step L to L (ct 4). Sometimes there is a pronounced leap onto R on ct 1.
Step RS fwd (ct 1); step L next to R (ct &); step R fwd (ct 2). Sometimes called "step-together-step." This step can be done beginning with either ft.
Step R to R (ct 1); step L next to R (ct &); step R to R (ct 2); step L in front of R (ct 3); step back into place on R (ct 4). This step can be done with opp ftwk and dir.
Dabkie Hold.
Arms held fwd, elbows bent at waist level; L arm over R of person to L, hands joined.
Varsouvienne Position
Facing the same direction, M stands slightly behind and to the left of the W. M holds W L hand in his L hand in front of her L shldr, and holds W R hand in his R hand in front of her R shldr (his R arm behind her back).
Lower Varsouvienne Position
Same as Varsouvienne Position, except that M holds W R hand in his R hand at her R waist (his R arm behind her back).
Used with permission of the author. Reprinted from the 1993 University of the Pacific (Stockton) Folk Dance Camp syllabus.