Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.
Statewide: 42 Years and Counting
By Larry Getchel
It's quite understandable that after all that hoopla at the Santa Maria Installation Brunch by Frank Kane and company, folk dancers would flock to Hayward's "Spirit of 75" for the 31st Annual Statewide Festival, May 28, 29, 30, and 31, 1976.
Ernie Dresher's Welcome in the official program urged everyone to introduce himself or herself to a neighbor, ask someone to dance, and just have an all-around good time. I am sure Sheila Ruby, President of the South, concurred in what Ernie had to say and if I am any judge, good fellowship was in vogue during the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence as we danced and danced and danced.
What induced Frank Kane, a recognized excellent artist, to sketch each and every Past President and hang their caricatures from the ceiling of Centennial Hall, only he knows. For certain. I was on hand to retrieve mine as the decorations were coming down Monday morning. It hangs in a descrete place but easily available in my home for all to see should they desire.
The program, following a pattern, opened Friday night with a Pre-Party at Centennial Hall, location for all Festivals Saturday, Sunday afternoon, and Sunday night.
The Institute Saturday afternoon was also held in Centennial Hall with Bill D'Alvy as Chairperson. Alura Flores de Angeles, from Mexico, was one of the featured teachers. She has taught previously at Stockton Camp.
The Sunday morning Installation Brunch was also held at Centennial Hall with Bee Mitchell and Edna Pixley, Co-chairpersons, and Frank Kane, Master of Ceremonies. Frank kept things lively. Ernie Dresher and Sheila Ruby installed the new officers but only Ernie received a Past President's pin as Sheila will serve another term as president of the South.
A special 45-minute program preceeded the Saturday night Festival, called "A Salute to America," with Ernie Dresher the MC. There was the posting of colors by a Coast Guard unit, a playing of the National Anthem, and then a Promenade titled "Minuet in Bee," choreographed and directed by Exhibition Chairperson Bee Dresher. It was all very impressive and gave us patriots a good feeling.
Some important committee members not previously mentioned are: Statewide Chairperson, Ruth Melville; Program Recording, Frank Baker and Bill D'Alvy; Statewide Program, Vi Dexheimer; Dance Program, Pearl and Dale Gaboury; Hospitality, Dolly Barnes; and all those listed in the program. Another job well done.
On Monday there was a Picnic in Chabot Park with catered barbeque chicken and all the trimmings. Those with a bit of remaining strength danced on the lawn afterwards.