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Cafe Danssa Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.

Cafe Danssa logo

Wednesdays – Balkan



In 1972, Maria Reisch founded the Cafe Danssa Balkan (a liberally applied term) group and, at that time, it met on Sunday night. Sherry Cochran Kirk assumed the teaching responsibility in 1985, after the Intersection closed. The group was run as a cooperative. Members and visitors paid $6.00 admission, most of which was used to pay rent. The remainder (a pittance) went, at irregular intervals, to Sherry, whose efforts of behalf of the group can only be described as a labor of love. The evening began at 7:30 p.m. with a one-hour class, after which there was an all-request program that lasted until 10:30 p.m. Dancers of all levels were welcome. The dances done in the course of an evening varied in difficulty, so dancers at different levels could enjly the program. People came from all over southern California: Lompoc, Ojai, Oxnard, Saugus, Ventura, and Pine Mountain, to name a few places.

The photos on this page are from Sherry Cochran's Wednesday night Balkan Class on their last evening at Cafe Danssa, January 24, 2007.

Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights


Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights


Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights


Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights


Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights



Cafe Danssa - Wednesday  nights


All photos by Leonard Ellis