THE INTERSECTION or the "I" as it has become to be known, is nearing its 20th year and throughout this wonderful growing and sometimes painful period, many have passed through its doors to discover FOLK DANCING and make FRIENDS.
We hope that we have created a stage for many who have achieved laurels in their chosen fields such as dancers, musicians, singers, etc., and to also bring into the fold new 'recruits' for their own self-development and growth.
For those who felt that their ancestors were nebulous, we hope we were able to bring them into a culture with enough resourceful identity along with a bit of warmth in the process.
THE INTERSECTION was an idea. Its aim was to expose the rich wealth and multi-cultural diversity of the many ethnic backgrounds in this major metropolitan city through a form of entertainment. The response was overwhelming and hundreds of people have visited THE INTERSECTION from all corners of Los Angeles, and it quickly became an outstanding center of activities.
Subsequently, we were placed in a competitive corner, which in a sense proved to be a boon, as imitation is the highest form of flattery. We were also caught between the onslaught of Rock, Disco and Country Then came the gas crunch and the shifting economy and we found ourselves sitting the proverbial 'coffee pot' which has now become just another antique in the corner to be appreciated for its own initial brew at the "I".
In the spirit of continuing what, in essense, is the aim of the folk experience, we hope that we have held true to our intitial aim -- to revive the ETHNIC EXPERIENCE with food, dance, music and the occasional appearance of a visiting village combo as well as special appearances by various dance instructors and the presentation of other folkloric activities.
We hope we will continue to see your smiling faces and dancing feet at the "I" to satisify your ethnic appetites in the Eighties.
2735 W. Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90026For Reservations Please Call
(213) 386-0275