Phone: 386-02752735 West Temple Street, Los Angeles 90026
(Benton Way or Rampart Turnoff of the H'wood Freeway -
just south between Vermont and Alvarado) -
Dear Member:
WELCOME TO THE INTERSECTION! We are pleased to add your name to our list of members in this unique organization. Your membership began on the 1st of the month following the date of your applicaton when your dues were paid, and will continue for one year from that date.
During the coming year, hang onto tht card as you would a passport. It must be shown upon entrance at all times. This card entitles you to admission and all the coffee you can drink. There is a small charge for classes, and occasionally an additional amount to help with the cost of special programs.
We want you to feel at home as a member and be part of our ever-growing family. Remember: we are unique. Please feel free to discuss your ideas and suggestions with Rudy or Athan so that we may include them in our program. Let us know if you have interests in music, song, dance, costumes, or related folk arts; or if you are inclined to participate in a theater or drama group, a folk orchestra, or a dance exhibition group, such as the INTERSECTION DANCERS. We will attempt to offer any assistance you may want and encourage you to extend or develop an interest in any of these areas.
You can also help by returning cups and dishes to the kitchen area. Anything you can do to impart a feeling of pride in the Intersection will be appreciated.
Just a little bit of fine print: the Intersection reserves the right to revoke membership privileges if necessary. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises, and only cardholders may have membership privileges.
THE INTERSECTION and its world of experience is yours. Here's to a rich, rewarding, and foot-kicking year!
(Rudy Dannes and Athan Karras)"...where the difference is the participation."