Dear Member:
Welcome to the Intersection! We are pleased to add your name to the list of members in this unique organization.
Your membership began on the day your applicaton was fully accepted, and your dues were paid, and will continue until one full year has elapsed.
During the coming year, hang onto that card as you would a passport. It must be shown at all times upon entrance to the Intersection, because of its club organizational nature.
This card, however, will bring you more than mere admittance and an urnful of coffee to draw from. It also entitles you to as much as fifty percent reductions in fees for classes and special events.
(Just a little bit of fine print: The Intersection reserves the right to revoke membership privileges if necessary; no alcoholoc beverages allowed on the premises; and only card holders may gain entrance without paying.)
We encourage you to share your ideas with us. The Intersection and its world of experiences is yours. Here's to a rich, rewarding and foot-kicking year!
630 No. Alvarado, Los Angeles 26(One Block North of the Hollywood Freeway)