Jitka Bonušová
Jitka Bonušová is a graduate of the Film and Musical Arts Academy and the Dance Conservatoire, both in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
She was a member of the dance ensemble Beseda, led by Professor František Bonuš. She was also a member and later a leader of the Prague Universities Country Dance Ensemble.
Later, with Jasan Bonuš (the son of František Bonuš), she founded the dance group and dance school Dvorana, which specializes in teaching folk and country dances of Czechoslovakia. In addition to Czech folk dances and American country dances, the Dvorana repertoire includes ballroom dances of the 19th century and American clog dance. Jasan died in April 1998. After this tragic event, Jitka took over the Dvorana operations, and very soon was sharing these duties as well as teaching responsibilities with Jan Pumpr.
As a dance teacher, Jitka has been regularly invited to lead courses in the France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States.
Dances Jitka has taught include Jihočeská Kolečka, Když My Jsme Jednou, Pletený, Starodávný, Starouherská, and V Jičině Troubili.