Edith Bourbin
Greek, international
Edith Bourbin has always loved to listen to and move with music. A native of San Francisco, she was exposed early on to many diverse cultures through schoolmates and neighbors. Her first formal dance classes were in Ballet, however, interests in jazz, modern dance, and rock n' roll quickly followed.
In the early 1980s, she discovered international folk dancing. The complex Balkan rhythms fascinated her. Since then, she has attended many classes and workshops, building a vast repertoire of dance knowledge. She has studied under internationally renowned exponents of dance such as Dick Crum, Mihai David, David Edery, Michael Ginsburg, Joe Graziosi, Germain Hébert, Petur Iliev, Željko Jergan, Nina Kavardjikova, Atanas Kolarovski, Hennie Konings, Tanya Kostova, Steve Kotansky, Jaap Leegwater, Yves Moreau, Tineke Van Geel, and Theodor Vasilescu. Edith currently has directed Mandala, a Thursday night dance group, and a Sunday morning dance group at Golden Gate Park Senior Center.
She has taught and performed at the Senior Camp at Camp Mather, as well as heading a small group of her enthusiastic dancers. She has performed at various nursing homes and special functions throughout The City. She also has been a guest teacher at various Folk Dance venues throughout the Bay Area and has taught dance to children in public and private schools and camps.