Bashkim Braho
Bashkim Braho was born in Tirana, Albania, on March 20th, 1948. He studied at the Artistic Lycée 'Jordan Misja' in Tirana and started his professional career as a dancer in 1962 as a student in the school affiliated with the Ensemble of Folk Dance and Song (EFDS), in Tirana.
In 1967, Bashkim became an employee of the Ensemble of Folk Dance and Song (a branch of The Theater of Opera and Ballet of Tirana), an honor that was only reserved for few people at that time.
In 1972, he became the first soloist of this ensemble and, in 1986, he was made a professor at the School of Choreography.
In 1989 he established and directed the 'Krahu i Shqiponjes' (Eagle’s Wing) folk ensemble which achieved great success in Albania and abroad. Specifically, this group performed in Croatia, Turkey, and Spain, where they were awarded the "Honor Medal" by Spain's Art Council for their performance. His twenty-six-year-long career with the Theater of Opera and Ballet of Tirana took him on successful international tours in sixteen countries within Europe, Africa, and Asia.
In 1995, he moved to Boston, Massachusetts, and kept his passion for dance alive by establishing the Bashkimi Dance Group in 1996. Most of the dancers in the group are students who have either finished or are continuing their studies in various universities in Boston.
Dances Bashkim has taught include Ani Mori Nuse, Beratçe, Moj Syzezë, Valle Çame e Fisunit, Valle e Vajzave Korçare, Valle Korç, Valle Librazdit, Valle Minushit - Pogonishte, and Vallja e Zyleve.