David Brandon
Scottish Country Dance
Scottish Country Dance
David Brandon started folk dancing while attending UCLA in the 1940s and was one of the original dancers at the Westwood Folk Dance Cooperative. Later he danced with the Pasadena Folk Dance Cooperative and performed with the G.T.E.V. D'Oberlandler and the Gandy Dancers.
In 1964, he served as Treasurer of the Folk Dance Federation of California, South.
David was much a part of the Scottish Country Dancers group from the very beginning. It has been said that the mentor for early Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) in Los Angeles, C. Stewart Smith, provided the instruction and inspiration, while David Brandon put it together and made it happen.
After the Los Angeles club became a branch of the Society, David married Mary and the new Los Angeles Branch expanded to Santa Monica, South Pasadena, and the San Fernando Valley.
After taking retirement in Hawaii in 1991, then moving back to Los Angeles, David was involved and teaching SCD classes in South Pasadena, West Los Angeles, and Simi Valley.
David was awarded the prestigious Society Scroll by The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in Edinburgh, Scotland. The scroll is granted "in recognition of outstanding service and loyalty to the Society; for maintaining the aims of perserving the standards and traditions of Scottish Country Dancing; and for encouraging in others the knowledge and enjoyment of Scotland's Heritage of Dance and Music."
David passed away on May 1, 2002.