Reinhold Fink



Reinhold Fink


Reinhold Fink was influential in Baden-Württemberg, Germany and beyond as a dance director. His special attention was dancing with children and the simple little dances from Baden-Württemberg.

Reinhold began folk dancing at the YMCA in his birthplace of Lustnau where he saw folk dance for the first time. He quickly increased his interest and he was proposed by Kurt Wager as dance leader for the groups in Neckartailfingen and Hüfingen. He soon he became an expert in the field of folk dancing and singing where he remained for 30 years. He received an a medal for services to Baden-Württemberg.

Reinhold received many awards over the years of his work. He is an honorary member of the two organizations mentioned above, the folk group Renningen (in which he was also dance leader), the Swabian Alp Association local chapter in Neckartailfingen, and the Hüfinger home guild. He also received the gold medal of AG, BHV, Trachtengau Black Forest, the silver medal from Swabian Albverein, and the silver medal from Hans Christl of the Sü dwestdeutschen district federation. He was a speaker for southern Germany in the German Society of folk dance.

At the beginning of 2008, Reinhold was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. His death came very suddenly and unexpectedly. In the hearts of all who knew him as a dance leader he lives on.

Reinhold passed away in November, 2008.

Dances Reinhold taught include Böhmischer Ländler.