Nils Fredland
Contras, Squares
Nils Fredland has been calling dances with skill and energy since 2000. He draws his material from a large and varied repertoire of dances, ranging from the centuries-old “chestnut” contra dances, to the most cutting-edge contra dance choreography being done today. Also a square dance caller, Nils is well known for breathing new life into traditional singing squares from the mid-twentieth century, and has co-authored and edited two books on the topic for the Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS).
In addition to his work as a dance caller, Nils is a trombonist. Since 2006, he has been resident dance caller and trombone player for two bands, Elixir and Maivish. He also works regularly as a caller and sit-in musician with several other popular contra dance bands, including The Great Bear Trio and Nor'easter. When Nils isn't on the road, he works for the Country Dance and Song Society in Easthampton, Massachusetts as a Project Manager and Education Specialist.
As a dance caller, Nils is known for his expertise, skilled leadership, and community-minded approach. He travels coast to coast and overseas to call and play for contra and square dancers over 150 days a year.