Bob Hager
American squares
American squares, American Indian, international
Bob Hager was a square dance caller who also taught American Indian dances and culture.
Bob taught at the California College of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp (now Stockton Folk Dance Camp) in 1951 and 1953.
Bob was Director of Health and Physlcal Education in the Tacoma School System, Tacoma, Washington. Bob was well known in national square dance circles both as a caller and for his fine work with adults and in the Junior field. He took regular trips to the great Madigan Hospital at Fort Lewis, Washington, both to call for the inmates and to have his adult and junior groups demonstrate. It was a rare experience in humility to swing with a partner whose both legs may be cut off anywhere from ankle to thigh, or who has any or all parts of an arm missing.
Dances Bob taught include American Indian Dances, American Schottische, Lariat Rhythms, and Muckleshook Stomp.