Stan Hamilton


Scottish, Welsh

Stan Hamilton - NO PHOTO


Stan Hamilton headed up the band Stan Hamilton and the Clansmen that later became Stan Hamilton and the Flying Scotsmen in the sixties and seventies.

Stan was very well known in Scottish country dance circles in Southern Ontario, the United States, and around the world.

Although Stan had not played for many years his wonderful music lives on in the recordings that he made.

Stan received the Scroll of Honour from the RSCDS in 2005. He was presented with his scroll at the Hamilton Weekend.

Stan is survived by his lovely wife Anne.

Stan has produced many fine recordings of Scottish and Welsh dance music including

Dances Stan taught include Cauld Kail in Aberdeen, Clawdd Offa, Dawns Gwylifan, Dawns y Pistyll Hen Lanofer, Hooper's Jig, Jessie's Hornpipe, Jig Arglwydd Caernarfon, Jig Esgob Bangor, Jig Syr Watcyn, Meillone Clych, Nyth Y Gogg, Robin Ddiog, The Gates of Edinburgh, The MacPhersons of Edinburgh, The Reel of Mey, Ty Coch Caerdydd, Wrth Fynd efo Deio i Dywyn, Y Ddafad Gorniog, and Y Jig Cymreig.