Dusán Hégli



Dusán Hégli


Dusán Hégli was born in 1971 in Atúrovo (in Hungarian, Párkány), Slovakia. He is the artistic director of the Young Hearts Artistic Ensemble (Ifjú Szivek müveszegyüttes), which was formed by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic for the promotion of the arts and culture of the Hungarian minority living in Slovakia. The professional organization's mission is to present traditional dances of all of the nationalities living in the Carpathian basin.

Dusán began his studies of Hungarian folk art with violin lessons at the age of 11. At 15, he joined the amateur dance group Szöttes in Bratislava (Pozsony). In 1990, he joined the Young Hearts ensemble and in 1992, he began choreographing for the group. He was named artistic director in 1999. The group tours internationally and performs about a hundred times a year, most recently at their own premier concert in Bratislava in May, 2001, at the Duna Carnival in Budapest, and at the Csángó Festival in Jászberény.

Dances Dusán has taught include Învîrtita from Bronchida and Gömör.