Çavit Kangöz
Çavit Kangöz taught Turkish dances to folk dancers on the East Coast. He had stayed in the United States when the dance company he was with went back to Turkey.
Çavit produced a couple of dance camps in Connecticut.
He was invited to teach in Stockholm, Sweden.
Çavit toured the United States and Canada with Sonny Newman from New York to California. The guys were delivering a car and slipped their arrival date by a long time!
Michael and Mary Ann Herman occasionally conducted family folk dancing on Sundays during which they incorporated a year-end Festival and Workshop into their schedule. Çavit was one of the workshop teachers.
Çavit was the first foreign teacher to teach Turkish and Balkan dances in Japan in 1969 after being recommended to the Japan Folk Dance Federation by Ralph Page who had met Çavit in the States in 1964. In 2013, he attended a party in Tokyo with Yves Moreau.
Çavit made three 78rpm recordings on the Folk Dancer label, playing zurna, lyra, and clarinet:
- Folk Dancer 014, "Turkish Folk Dance Series" by Çavit Kangöz
- Folk Dancer 015, "Turkish Folk Dance Series" by Çavit Kangöz
- Folk Dancer 016, "Turkish Folk Dance Series" by Çavit Kangöz
Çavit in 2023 at the age of 90.
Dances Çavit taught include Çipikli, Daldalar, Delilo from Elazuh, Deliloy, Düz Horon, Elazig-Çepik, Hirhir, Oğuzlu, Papuri, Şiro, Tamzara, Temilav, and Yargüzel.