Jonathan Karmon
Jonathan (Yonatan) Karmon was the conceptual artist, the choreographer, and the director of the original broadway musical production of Don't Step on My Olive Branch about a border settlement in Israel. He also directed and chorographed New Music Hall of Israel that starred Guela Gill; Come Let's Be Happy; To Live Another Summer, To Pass Another Winter; and Karmon Israeli Dancers. He also was director of the famous dance and singing ensemble Lahakat Karmon and of the Jerusalem Dance Company.
Jonathan Karmon's Grand Music Hall of Israel was Israel's official representative of Israeli folk dance throughout the world.
Jonathan produced a fine recording of Israeli dance music which is available from your local folk dance recording outlet called "Songs of the Sabras." It is filled with folk-inspired songs from the Israel of the early sixties. They are conducted in Hebrew by the Karmon Israeli Folk Dancers and Singers led by Jonathan. Another LP is Folk Songs by the Karmon Israeli Folk Dancers and Singers.
Jonathan Karmon's 80th birthday was celebrated on Sunday, February 5, 2012 at Pnina Klein's dance session at Beit Rozen in Ramat Gan. Choreographers, instructors and dancers alike gathered to honor the life and achievements of one of the founders of Israeli Folk Dancing. Miri Akuni, Shlomo Maman, Yaron Meishar, Igaal Triki, and Gadi Biton were just a few of those celebrating.
Dances Jonathan taught include Adama Admati, Al Tira, Elem Vesusato (Haelem Vesusato), Gozi Li, Haroah Haktanah (Haroe Min Hagai), Hayoshevet Baganim, Li Lach, Machrozet Chasidit, Mazurka, Mechol Hakerem (Mechol Hayain), Me'emek Legivah (Shtu Adarim), Mi Yivneh Bayit, Nad Ilan (Tapuch Hinani), Saharorit, Shibolet Basadeh, Shiru Hashir, Shtu Adarim (Me'emek Legivah), Vayiven Uziyahu, and Yamin Usmol (Orcha Bamidbar).