Milo G. Karsner
English, Danish, international
Dr. Milo G. "Kars" Karsner was born on February 12, 1915. He had many years of teaching experience. Folk dancing was an important part of his Physical Education curriculum. He directed the Folk Dance Group.
Kars was formerly at the University of Kentucky and then at the Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
In 1954, Kars was one of the teachers at the first Kentucky Dance Institute, a list that included Frank Kaltman (director), Vyts Beliajus, Shirley Durham, Harold Harton, Rickey Holden, and Edna Ritchie. The program consisted of squares, contras, rounds, international dances, calling techniques, teaching techniques, basics of folk dancing, recreation leadership, dancing for children, singing, folklore, and history. Over the years, the permanent staff was Vyts Beliajus, Shirley Durham, and M. G. Karsner.
In 1959, a group from the University of Kentucky led by Professor M. G. Karsner presented English country dances and the dances of the Kentucky mountains. He gave a Danish and English workshop at the Miami Valley Folk Dancers in 1968 and an international one in 1975. In March 1941, M. G. Karsner's Folk Dance Group gave a performance in the United Kingdom.
Kars died on January 14, 1996 at the age of 80.
Kars publications included:
- "Advantages of Growing Old," A 32-page booklet published in The Northern Junket.
- Fundamentals of Folk Dancing, 110 pp.
- Teaching of Folk Dancing and Allied Rhythms, The, 1975
Dances Kars taught include Arnold's Circle, Blaydon Races, Cumberland Square Eight, Dorset Four Hand Reel, Fandango, Friday Night Special, Gae Gordon's Mixer, Hole in the Wall, If All the World Were Paper, K and E, Kentucky Running Set, Lads a Bunchum, Levi Jackson Rag, Margaret's Waltz, Morpeth Rant, Morten Larsen, My Heart's Desire, Newcastle, Norton Larsen, The Old Mole, Patriot's Jig, Prince William, The Rifleman, Rigs o' Marlow, Russian Contra, Scotch Cap, Sjampa Dance, Soldier's Joy, Steamboat, Ted's Triplet #11, Ted's Triplet #15, Three Men's Reel, Totur, Vesterbopolsk, Walpols Cottage, Wiltshire Tempest, and Yorkshire Square Eight.