James M. Roncević
James M. Roncević served for many years on the staff of the Duquesne University Tamburitzans, first as a performer, and later as Supervisor of Community Education for the Duquesne University Tamburitzans Institute of Folk Arts. He was a lecturer in folk dance as well as a choreographer.
He is an expert on Balkan music and dance, and has collaborated with Eugenia Popescu-Judetz on several publications in Romanian folklore.
In 1984, he taught at the California Kolo Festival.
James's articles and publications include
- Croatians: Dances They Dance. James M. Roncević, Duquesne University, Tamburitzans Institute of Folk Art, USA, 1975.
Dances James has taught include Alunelul, Alunelul Amestecat, Alunelul Bătut, Alunelul ca la Gorj, Alunelul Schimbat, Barbun, Brîul pe Opt, Geamparelele, Hora la Patru, Hora a la Maledăru, Hora Mare, Hora-n Două Părți, Hora de la Cîmpulung, Ițele, Iu-Hu, Maargulețul de la Urlueni, Purdelul Fetelor, Șobolanul, Tarapanana din Căluș, Trei Păzește Nou, Ţarina de la Abrud, and Țupa.