Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.
Turkish Song Words
Compiled by Dick Oakes
Ali Paşa
Ali Paşa (the name of an Ottoman ruler)
/ Arpa ektim, biçemedim
bir dös gördüm, seçemedim. /
/ Alımışm soğuk suya
issiğ sular içemedim. /
/ Uç atım var, biri binek
arkadaşlar kalkın gidek. /
/ Ali Paşayı vurdular
yavrusuna haver verek. /
/ Paşa giyer iki kürkü
biri samur biri tilkı. /
/ Ali Paşayı vurdular
harab oldu Van'ın mölkö. /
/ Karavanya vurdular
yözbaşılar darıldılar. /
// Darilmayin yözbaşılar
Ali Paşayi vurdular //
I sowed barley, but couldn't harvest it.
I had a dream, but couldn't figure it out.
I am accustomed to cold water,
Couldn't take the warm.
I have three horses, one fit for riding.
Friends, let's be on our way.
They've shot Ali Pasha.
Let's tell his children.
Pasha wore two furs,
One is sable, one is fox.
They've shot Ali Pasha,
All of Van is in ruins.
The soldiers beat the cooking pots.
The officers were offended.
Don't be offended, officers,
They've shot Ali Pasha.
Beating cooking pots is a sign
of mutiny in the army. Ali Pasha
was a famous brigand leader.
Derhule (a girl's name)
/ Oynayın kız oynayın durmanın ne kârı var? /
/ Ah bu koöyön içinin acayıp bekárı var. /
/ Derhule dem derhule, derhule dem derhule. /
/ Oy Kemençeci dayı soktun gözüme yayı. /
/ Kör ettin gözlerumi göremedım dünyayı. /
/ Derhule dem derhule, derhule dem derhule. /
/ Çek aşağı yukarı amanın piturluni. /
/ Niye konuşmayız, küs mu yedi dıluni? /
/ Derhule dem derhule, derhule dem derhule. /
Dance, girls, dance, why should you stop?
It's a marvel there are bachelors in this village!
Derhule dem derhule, derhule dem derhule.
Hey kemençe player, you've stuck your bow in my eye.
You've blinded my eyes, I can't see the world.
Derhule dem derhule, derhule dem derhule.
Pull, up and down, [piturluni].
Why don't we talk, has a bird eaten your tongue?
Derhule dem derhule, derhule dem derhule.
A kemençe is a small, oblong three-stringed
fiddle, played the same way as is a cello.
In praise
/ Deli gönül ne gezersin?
Geze geze yorulman mı?
Ne kazandın bu sevdadan?
Vazgeç desem darılman mı? /
Delisin gönül delisin,
güellere cilvelisin,
bu işleri bilmelisin.
/ Çiçek olsan derilmen mı?
Çiçek olsan derilmen mı? /
/ İnce'lekten elenirsin,
diyar diyar dolanırsın.
Akar çağlar ulanırsın.
Hiçbir zaman durulman mı? /
Yüce dağın menekşesi,
sesin güeller neşesi,
gönlümün billûr şişesi,
/ taşa çarpsam kırılmanmı,
taşa çarpsam kırılmanmı? /
/ Söyletme garip Veyseli,
candan sevdiğim güzeli,
kâhi uslu kâhi deli
tenha bulsan sarılman mı? /
Delisin gönül delisin,
güzellere cilvelisin,
bu işleri bilmelisin,
/ Çiçek olsam derilmen mı?
Çiçek olsam derilmen mı? /
My wild heart, why do you wander?
Wandering, wandering, do you never tire?
What have you gained from this passion?
If I said give it up, would you not be angry?
You are crazy, my heart, you are crazy,
you are flirtatious with the beauties.
You ought to know these affairs.
If you were a flower, would you not be picked?
If you were a flower, would you not be picked?
You keep on being sifted through a fine sieve.
You keep meandering from region to region.
You flow, you rush like a waterfall, you are joined,
do you not ever settle down?
Violet of the high mountain,
your voice is a joy to the beautiful.
O crystal glass of my heart,
if I should throw you against a rock,
would you not shatter?
Don't ask lonesome, Veysel, to speak,
O beautiful one whom I love with all my soul,
sometimes well-behaved, sometimes wild,
if you found a secluded spot, wouldn't you embrace me?
You are crazy, my heart, you are crazy,
you are flirtatious with the beauties.
You ought to know these affairs.
If you were a flower, would you not be picked?
If you were a flower, would you not be picked?
İşte Hendek
Here is a ditch
Kuyu başına vardım,
Zeynebim bekler diye.
Nasıl haberin almışa,
Dayı emmi hep orda,
Dediler ne ararsın?
Kızı almak m'istersin?
Sana bir çift sözümüz var,
Hele buysa niyetin.
İşte hendek, işte deve,
Ya atlarsın ya düşersin,
Baktın olmaz vazgeçersin,
Zordur almak bizden kızı.
I işte Halep, işte arşın,
Ya aşarsın ya biçersin,
Baktın olmaz vazgeçersin,
Zordur almak bizden kızı.
Söğüdün dalı uzun,
Barış'ın gönlü hüzün,
Elim eline değmedi,
Varın anlayın gayri.
I came to the well,
Thinking my Zeyneb would be waiting.
Somehow her uncles found out
And they were already there.
They said "What are you looking for?
Do you want to marry the girl?
We have a few words to say to you
If this is indeed your plan."
"Here is a ditch, here is a camel.
Either leap over (on camelback) or fall in.
If you think you can't, then give up.
It's hard to get our daughter from us!
Here's Aleppo (a distant city),
Here's the yardstick.
Either you get there or you try to measure up.
If you think you can't, then give up!
The branch of the willow is long.
The heart of Barış is sad.
I never even touched her hand with mine.
I'll let you figure out the rest.
Barış is the author of this song.
To myself
Kuzuya sordum derdimi, meeledi.
Tilkiye sordum da yalan söyledi.
Bülbüle açıldım ne kâr eyledi.
Bulamadım bir tek çare derdime, derdime.
Arayıp sordum hep kendi, kendime, kendime.
Söyle sazım ne söylersin,
Yelelelliiii, yelelelli--
Yelelelliiii, yelelelli.
Toprak ile dostluk kurdum tozuttum.
Rüzgâr ile dere tepe gezindim.
Yağmur oldum şu dağlardan süzüldüm.
Bir yâr sevdim ismi ile avundum.
Doğru söze kıymet verdim savundum.
Ben bu yüzden dokuz köyden kovuldum.
I asked the lamb about my problem--it baa'd,
I asked the fox--it lied,
I confided in the nightingale--it did not help.
I couldn't find a single cure for my ailment.
I asked and searched by myself, just myself.
Tell me my saz,
Yelelelliiii, yelelelli--
Yelelelliiii, yelelelli.
I made friends with the earth and made dust.
With the wind, I roamed the hills,
I became rain and came down the mountains.
I loved someone, consoled myself with her name.
I valued truth and defended it.
That's why I was chased from nine villages.
A saz is a long-necked lute played with a
plectrum (a thin flat piece of plastic, tortoise
shell, or other slightly flexible material).
Rampi, Rampi (Çaırımın Üstüne)
Rompi (a girl's name)
/ Çadırımın üstüne şip dedı damladı. /
/ Allah canimı almadı almadı. /
Rampi, rampi, rampi, rampi
Maşallah. /
/ Versiye vere vere kalmadı kalmadı. /
/ Allah canimi alamadı almadı. /
/ Kuru kuru cilveler kynasın kynasın. /
/ Gelin güveyı oynasın oynasın. /
On the top of my tent the rain has plopped.
God did not take my soul away.
Rampi, rampi, rampi, rampi
Praise be. /
I gave and gave, all for promises, till there was nothing left.
God did not take my soul away.
Empty, empty flirtation, let it boil.
Let the bride and bridegroom dance, let them dance.
Tin Tin Tini Mini Hanım
Tiny, tiny, tiny little lady
/ Tin tin tini mini hanım / / Seni seviyor canım. /
/ Tin tin tini mini hanım /
/ Seni seviyor canım.
/ Şeftali ağaçlkarı. /
/ Güllü çiçek başları. /
/ Yaktıyandırdıbeni /
/ Yarin hilâl kaşları. /
/ Bahçalarda ibrişah. /
/ Boyu uzun, kendi şah. /
/ İki gönül bir olsa /
/ Ayıramaz padişah. /
Oh my tiny little lady,
My very soul is in love with you.
Oh my tiny little lady,
My very soul is in love with you.
Peach trees are blooming
With so many flowers.
Her crescent eyebrows
Burned me to ashes.
In the gardens climbing vines
So very tall, so royal.
If two hearts entwine
Even a sultan cannot separate them.