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Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.

Dance Insurance

Insurance Form

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  Federation Member Clubs Must Have Insurance

To apply for or maintain Club Membership status in the Federation, clubs are required to have liability and accident insurance coverage meeting Federation requirements. Most Member Clubs purchase this coverage through the Federation. To participate in the Federation's insurance policy:

  1. Keep an Attendance Log (available under "Publications") at each meeting or class.
  2. The Member Club shall maintain a membership roster as defined by its Constitution, Bylaws, or Standing Rules. If a Member Club has no specific membership definition, a Membership Roster (available under "Publications" in the "Package") of all those who participate in the Club activities at the time of application or renewal must be compiled from the Club's attendance logs.
  3. Beginning in 2021 the Federation provides liability insurance for member clubs by affiliating them with the National Folk Organization, which includes insurance as a benefit of membership.
  4. The policy covers club members and guests who are participating in folk dancing at the club’s designated venue.
  5. Submit your Membership Package, including the insurance premium, to the Director of Membership who will distribute forms accordingly.. The Package (available under "Publications") includes: Club Membership or Renewal, Club Information, Membership Roster, Request for Insurance Certificate, and Folk Dance Teachers forms.
  6. If your venue wishes to be named as “Additionally Insured” then submit a request to the Insurance Chair. Prior to making the request inquire from the manager of the venue the exact wording, specific names to be placed on the Certificate. The Request for Insurance Certificate is available under "Publications" on the website.
  7. Any Club that elects not to obtain the required insurance through the Federation must provide the Federation with evidence in writing proving that the Club has insurance coverage from another source that meets Federation requirements.
  8. During the year a club may change their dance location. If so, a new form D, Request for Insurance Certificate, needs to be submitted to the Insurance Chair. Also during the year clubs may receive an inquiry to confirm the name of club officer in charge of insurance, and the address of the dance venue.
  9. Each member club will designate an insurance point person and provide their contact information to the Insurance Chair. These folks will form the Federation Membership Committee, who will advise the Federation Insurance Chair about issues related to insurance during the year, and recommend modifications as needed.

  Request for Certificate of Additional Insured

If a facility that a Federation Club is using for a special event needs to be shown as "Additional Named Insured" and requires a certificate, complete the form titled Request for Insurance Certificate (available under "Publications" in the "Package") and send it to the Federation Insurance Chair (do not contact the insurance company directly).

  Notification of Special Event

When no insurance certificate is required for a special event, complete the form titled Notification of Special Event (available under "Publications") and send it to the Federation Insurance Chair (do not contact the insurance company directly).

  Facilities Checklist

If any problems are encountered when inspecting a facility where Federation Club dances are being held, create a copy of the suggested form etitled Inspection of Facilities for Conditions of Safe Use (available under "Publications"), date the inspection and give it to the representative of the facility. Retain a copy of the inspection in your files for future reference. Otherwise, the Club later could be billed for repairs or cleaning, or held liable, if the condition of the facility is inadequate for dancing and an accidental injury is sustained by a dancer as a result of faulty conditions.

Anything found not in proper working order should be noted and brought to the attention of the representative of the facility (custodian) before taking possession of the facility. Items to be noted could be, but are not limited to, sticky floors, loose tiles, loose floor boards, and lighting problems.

  Accident Reporting Procedure

In the event that any person is injured or damage to facilities occurs during dance activities at a Federation Club or event, the Club (or Federation) president or designated Club officer shall file a completed form titled Accident Report (available under "Publications"). The cause (if known), the person or persons injured, objects damaged and a description of what happened is to be stated in the report. This report shall include the names and addresses of witnesses and any other pertinent information. This report must be filed with the Federation Insurance Chair (do not contact the insurance company directly) within 48 hours following the occurrence.

The Insurance Chair will, upon receipt of the injury report, contact the insurance representative for further instructions. Do not contact the insurance company directly.

The Accident Report form (available under "Publications") is intended to assist you in reporting the occurrence.