Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.
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Bands and Singers
- Tom Bozigian Middle Eastern Orchestra
La Mirada, California. Tom Bozigian leads a folklore orchestra which has produced numerous recordings.
- Chookasian Armenian Concert Ensemble Fresno, California. John has been playing Armenian and Middle East folk music for over 35 years.
- Interfolk Anaheim, California. This band is involved in Balkan, Scandinavian, German, English Country, Polish, Contra Dance, and Californio rancho dancing. EMAIL
- Nevenka Folk Ensemble North Hollywood, California. A group singing music and songs from Bulgaria and Macedonia.
- Rebetiko Trio Los Angeles, California. A group presenting a rich cultural heritage of Greek music.
- Sans Frontières Orange County, California. This group plays the more traditional folk dance music from both Bulgaria and Macedonia. EMAIL
- Tzidia San Diego, California. This group plays folk dance music primarily from the Balkans and surrounding areas, plus Scandinavia. EMAIL
- Veselba North Hollywood, California. Playing folk dance music for all. EMAIL
- Zhena Folk Chorus San Pedro, California. This group proudly sings a unique array of lovingly crafted presentations for your special events.
- Zimzala Laguna Beach, California. This group is an international folk dance band dedicated to playing the music to international folk dancers' favorite dances. EMAIL
Boots and Shoes
Calendars and Events
Dance Notes
- A Mind Less Ordinary Cèilidh Dances More than 25 English Cèlidh dances described here.
- American Indian Dance Notes Julia Buttree describes many American Indian dances.
- Bali Folk
Lots of international dances and songs.
- Barn Dance Repertoire
Barn Dance has notes for 125 English dances.
- BetBasoo's Assyrian Folk Dances
Peter Pnuel BetBasoo has 30 Assyrian dances noted.
- Bettis' Dance Notes
Andy Bettis has some 60 international dance descriptions in HTML format.
- Carnie's Folkdance Musings
Andrew Carnie has at least 50 international dance descriptions in PDF format.
- Contra Dance List
Cambridge has some 225 contra dances, all notated.
- Copper Knob Stepsheets
George has more than 68,000 stepsheets of line dances on this site.
- Deering's Folk Dance Notes
Tom Deering has nearly 40 balkan dances here.
- Estienne's Country Dance Book
Greg Lindahl has some 25 English dances described.
- Folk Dance Federation of California, Inc. (North) Dance Descriptions The Federation, North has many international folk dance notes available.
- Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc. Dance Descriptions The Federation, South has many international folk dance notes available.
- Folk Dance Footnotes Don Buskirk's site that has folk dance notes and music.
- Folk Dance Instructions Facebook has links to many international dance instructions.
- Folk Dances Choreographed by Jim Gold Jim has nearly 120 dances online with videos.
- folkdancing.com
There are 28 Scandinavian dances notated here, plus an Explanation of Dance Holds and a Glossary of Terms.
- Freewheeler's Contra Dancing
Freewheelers describe the Hambo, Polka, and Schottische.
- Grand Chain Cèilidh Dances
About 20 English Cèilidh dances notes are listed here.
- Grand Chain Scottish Dances
About 20 Scottish dances notes are listed here.
- Hirsh's International Teaching Notes
Carol Hirsh has described over 140 international dances.
- Imber's Israeli Folk Dancing
Martin Imber has about 300 israeli dances described here.
- Internet Archive English Dances
Nearly 20 English dances described here.
- Irish and Scottish Dance Descriptions
Scott MacHaffy has notated a dozen Scottish dances.
- McMonagle's Zwiefacher Patterns
Patrick McMonagle has a complete list of Bavarian Zwiefacher dance patterns.
- Miami Valley FD Dance Notes
Miami Falley Folk Dancers' list of international dance notes.
- Palmer's Pocket Playford
More than 50 English country dances by William Palmer from the Playfore Ball programmes.
- Pluck and Squeeze Welsh Dances
There are 10 dances here from Wales.
- Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary Dances
Scottish dance "cribs" and instructions for some 5,000 Scottish country dances.
- Shapiro's Folk Dance Notes
Bob Shapiro has links to nearly 1,500 international dance notes.
- Thrir Venstri Foetr English Country Dances
More than 60 English Country Dances are notated here.
- Webfeet Dance Instructions
Many English Cèlidh dance links are here.

- Animated Folk Dance GIFs
Naohisa Hamada [MARUCHO] created dozens of absolutely amazing animated folk dancers, one of which (replicated 5 times) is shown above!
- AMAN Folk Ensemble Alumni Society Los Angeles, California. A website for the latest news and information about AMAN alumni.
- East European Folklife Center Berkeley, California. Promotes, celebrate, and educate the public about traditional and traditionally based music, dance, and cultures of the Balkans.
- Folk Dance Federation of California, Inc. Northern California federation of folk dance groups with much more information!
- Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc. Southern California federation of folk dance groups with much more information!
- International Dance Association of San Diego County San Diego, California. A non-profit organization that covers the dance groups of San Diego.
- National Folk Organization Orem, Utah. Promotes and encourages the exchange of folk dance and dance related folklore in the U.S. and abroad.
- Northwest Folk Dancers Inc. Woodinville, Washington. A non-profit "umbrella" organization that promotes folk dancing and ethnic events.
- Royal Scottish Country Dance Society San Gabriel Valley, California. Sponsors classes in Scottish Country Dancing at locations throughout Los Angeles and surrounding areas.
- Santa Barbara Country Dance Society Santa Barbara, California. Did we mention how FUN it is? Some of us get sore cheeks from smiling so hard!
- Society of Folk Dance Historians Austin, Texas. The only collection maintained on a daily basis by and for folk dance historians.
- South Coast Folk Society Coos Bay, Oregon. An association of various folk dance groups.
- Square & Folk Dance Federation of Washington Washington State. An organization that promotes Square and Folk Dancing in Washington state as a means of recreation.
Performing Groups
Claddagh Dance Company Ventura, California. Adding a touch of authentic Irish culture to the lives of Southern California communities.
Gulistan Dance Theater Los Angeles, California. A highly-trained and versatile mid-eastern dance ensemble attired in dazzling authentic and original costumes.
- Gypsy Folk Ensemble Los Angeles, California. An ethnic dance company formed to preserve, perform, and teach traditional folk dances from various countries around the world.
- International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance Gardena, California. Setting the standards in Dance Orientale (belly dance).
- Kárpátok Hungarian Folk Ensemble Los Angeles, California. If you like to dance come on down to the Magyar Haz.
- Kayamanan Ng Lahi Los Angeles, California. The Philippines rich cultural diversity is celebrated with resounding rhythms of drums, metal gongs, and rondalla instruments.
- Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Ensemble, Inc. Los Angeles, California. Dancing its way into the hearts of American and European audiences alike, this group is an ambassador of Polish culture.
- Performing Folk Dancers of Balboa Park San Diego, California. Dedicated to the promotion and preservation of international folk dancing.
- Pride of Erin Ceili Dancers San Diego, California. A non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Irish culture.
Spindulys Lithuanian Folk-Dance Ensemble Los Angeles, California. Performing Lithuanian folk dances.
- Syrtaki Folk Dance Ensemble Laguna Woods, California. Lee Otterholt's performing group from Laguna Beach, CA.
- Westchester Lariats, The Westchester, California. This performing group's repertoire includes folk dances from around the world as well as American traditional, vintage, and social dances.
- Folkdance Jukebox (Proprietary) This is a laptop computer from Dick Killian with a software program that allows you to program all of your folkdance music. Does not support diacritics. Comes with the music for more than 800 folk dances, as well as over 1,000 dance descriptions, costume information, and an online manual. Check with Dick Killian for current pricing.
- MITPlayer (for Windows and Macintosh) A wonderful program for folk dance groups, this software, originally programmed by Neil Rosen and now by Murray Spiegel, was originally written for the MIT Folk Dance Club. Program only. The software now includes the ability to add diacritical marks (Free).
- SqView Player (for Windows) Developed for Square Dance Callers, this program allows the user to change Tempo, Pitch, Speed, and Volume and has a clock! Program only. Does not support diacritics (Free).
- Winamp Modern Folk Dance Skin (for Windows) The Winamp Modern Folk Dance Skin has been modified from the standard Winamp Modern Skin to make it easier to use. Requires one plugin, and some configuration to achieve the optimum configuration. Program only. Does not support diacritics (Free).
- Balkan Bazaar Greensboro, North Carolina. A wonderful attic of folk treasures to be discovered.
- BalkanFolk Sofia, Bulgaria. An online shop for folklore music, Bulgarian traditional instruments and costumes, souvenirs, books, and more.
- Ernst Licht Oley, Pennsylvania. A leading traditional German clothing company which offers full range of costumes inspired by the regional cultures of Germany.
- International Folk Rhythms, Ltd. Northbrook, Illinois. Music from around the world, ethnic dance videos, books, imported danceear, and more.
- Lark in the Morning Mendocino, California. Instruments, books, DVDS, informative articles, and more.
- Bourque-Moreau Associeés Folklore Productions Bossard, Québec. Offers a variety of services and products that include workshops, educational programs, books, recordings, and videos.
- Romanian Folk Costumes București, Romania. Romanian blouses and costumes of Romania.
- Tupans etc. Seattle, Washington. Articles on tupans, tupan sticks, how to re-bag a gajda, etc..