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Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.

New to Folk Dancing?

Valerie Joy from Pasadena Co-op


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If you can walk, you can folk dance. Many folk dances are easily done, although some are quite vigorous or complex. There's no need to try to learn all the dances being taught. When more experienced dancers can't remember a dance, they simply follow what a few others do.

Folk dances are traditional dances from countries all over the world, usually modified by modern choreographers so that they can be enjoyed as a form of recreational dance in the United States and elsewhere.

There is no need to try to learn all the dances being taught. Most dancers, when they can't remember a dance, follow what a few others are doing. Many dances are done in lines or circles, but there also are many that are for individuals, couples, or sets of couples. In some dances (called mixers) you change partners during the dance.

For nearly all groups, all ages are welcome. Groups have dancers of all skill levels, so whether you are a new dancer or an experienced one, you would be most welcome at any group.

Here are some tips:

To find where in your area a folk dance group is located, click HERE.
To see a couple of videos on Folk Dancing in America, click HERE.