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Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.

Folk Dance Scene
Mini History

Folk Dance Scene logo by Teri Hoffman


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Around 1964, Bill Rosenthal started a private newsletter of events of folk dancing called "Folkwise" in Southern California.

In 1965, Dick Oakes accepted the position as editor for the Federation to kick-start a new and different newsletter. Paul Pritchard soon joined Dick as associate editor.

The new newsletter was titled "Folkdance Scene" and had sections on Teaching This Month, Current Events, California Folkdance Camps, News (Special Events), and flyers for various folk dance groups.

In 1967, Paul Pritchard became sole editor and held the post for the next 15 years.

Laura Lippett was Associate Editor and Joan Pritchard was Circulation Manager. Emphasis was on the calendar, but also clubs' special events and flyers added to the content. Paul also included articles highlighting people who contributed much to folk dancing. By April of 1970, the word "Folkdance" was split in two, to read "Folk Dance". In 1976, the July/August became a combined issue, leaving an 11-issue year. The next year, May/June also became a combined issue, thus cutting the year down to 10 issues. In January of 1973, the masthead saw Joan Pritchard moved up to Editorial Assistant, with Laura Lippett covering the South Coast area and Avis Tarvin covering the Metropolitan area. A new Art Department was headed by Walt Metcalf and Ralph & Elsa Miller became Circulation and Business Managers. In April, the area representatives were dropped from the masthead. Gloria Harris joined the editorial staff in September, 1976, as Editor of Ethnic Recipes (later to become simply Food Editor). Avis Tarvin became the Staff Assistant and Gerry Gordon took over Advertising with the December, 1977 issue. With the July, 1980 issue, Fran Slater took over the Circulation and Robert Moriarty became the Business Manager. Paul continued editing Scene through the July/August, 1982 issue.

Mitch & Laurie Allen took over as editors in September, 1982, and upgraded the appearance and format of the new Folk Dance Scene." It became more of a magazine rather than a newsletter.

With the May/June, 1983 issue, the magazine no longer accepted flyers for inclusion. Circulation went to Jim Fogle and Fran Slater became the Trouble Shooter with the September, 1983 issue. Mitch & Laurie continued the magazine until the October, 1984 issue.

Marvin Smith & Teri Hoffman became co-editors with the November, 1984 issue of Scene, and after a bit of a shaky start, continued 14 years until January, 1999. They added photographs, did considerable research, and wrote many detailed articles on folk-dance related subjects.

With the February, 1985 issue, Fay Woulk took over the Food Editor position from Gloria Harris. Walt Metcalf retired as the Arts Editor after the May/June, 1985 issue. Floyd Cawthon Jr. became in charge of Production with the July/August, 1985 issue. With the September, 1986 issue, Production was handled by The Stone Flower. Fran Slater replaced Jim Fogle in care of Circulation and Teri Hoffman became Art Director in addition to her Co-Editor position with the March, 1988 issue. Marvin took over as Picture Editor in addition to his Editor position. Jim Fogle became Subscription Manager with the October, 1988 issue. With the July/August 1994 issue, Carol Wall took over from Jim Fogle as Subscription Manager, Sandy Helperin took over the Circulation position, and Gerda Ben-Zeev & Forrest Gilmore took over as Business Managers. November, 1997 saw Sandy also taking on the role of Mailing Coordinator.

Jay & Jill Michtom and a committee of many took over Scene with the March, 1999 issue. They reduced the format to 7x8.5 inches then back again to 11x12. As of the current year, Jay is still "Coordinator" of Folk Dance Scene, the longest term of any editor.

The editors moved the July/August combined issue to December/January. Also, in March, Jay took over the Calendar, Subscriptions went to Gerda Ben-Zeev, Circulation was taken over by both Sandy Helperin and Leo Markman, a new position of Club Directory showed Steve Himel, and a new position of Layout Artist was headed by Pat Peterson. On the Scene headed by Jill and Advertising headed by Beverly & Irwin Barr were in the May, 1999 issue. A new position, Design and Layout, was headed by Steve Davis & Jatila van der Veen in June/July, 1999 (Jatila also began doing the Ethnic Foods section). The next month, Jatila moved to the Features Editor position.

In October, 2008 Pat Cross and Don Krotser took over the Design and Layout position with Steve holding on to the Design & Layout Adviser. In August, 1999 Leo Markman joined Sandy Helperin, heading Circulation, and in November, Gerri & Bob Alexander helped with Marketing. The February, 2002 issue ushered in the age of color to the magazine, bringing it into the 21st century. The position of Proofreading Editor by Laurette Carlson was added in June/July, 2003. With the February, 2007 issue, Jay became the sole coordinator. October, 2009 saw the addition of Federation Corner with Beverly Barr holding the position. H. Barbara Cutler took over the Proofreading Editor position in May of 2010. In October of 2011, Nancy Bolt was added to the Business Managers list. Color finally came to Folk Dance Scene in November of 2014. Jan Rayman took over the Proofreading Editor position in February, 2016 and Carl Pilsecker joined her in March, 2016.

As of February, 2024, the lineup of Scene workers is: Coordinator: Jay Michtom, Calendar: Fran Prevas, Club Directory: Steve Himel, Dancers Speak: Sandy Helperin, Last Dance: Carl Pilsecker, Proofreading Editor: Carl Pilsecker, Design and Layout: Pat Cross / Don Krotser, Business Manager: Jan Rayman, Contributing Editor: Elizabeth Wayland Barber, Circulation: Sandy Helperin, Subscriptions: Jan Rayman, Advertising: Steve Himel.

Dick Oakes 1966

    Dick Oakes

Paul Pritchard 1956

    Paul Pritchard

Laurie and Mitch Allen

    Laurie & Mitch Allen

Marvin Smith and Teri Hoffman 1994

      Marvin Smith & Teri Hoffman

Jill and Jay Michtom

  Jill & Jay Michtom