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Master Teacher Biographies



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This folk dance teacher list of more than 600 Master Teachers is not comprehensive.
It is compiled from what information could be conveniently gathered.
Its intent is to be a historical record of the biographies of Master Teachers who paved the way,
as well as those who are currently active.
The criterion for being in this list is that the teacher has taught outside of his or her local group.
In other words, has taught at camps, conferences, institutes, festivals, seminars, or workshops.

Federation Master Teacher Scheduling

If you would like to host a master teacher at your club, please contact Jay Michtom with the date you would like to have a workshop. (To avoid double-booking, do not contact the teacher directly until Jay lets you know that the date is available.) Jay will create a schedule and communicate it to the club and the teacher.

The club then contacts the teacher to arrange time and place, perhaps discuss specific dances, agree on fee, and possibly help with transportation and lodging. (The committee will do none of these things.)

After the workshop, the club notifies Jay that the workshop has been done and the fee paid to the teacher. Jay then arranges for reimbursement to the Federation club.

While non-Federation clubs may be scheduled, they will not qualify for any Federation fee reimbursement.

Please contact Jay with your requests for workshops, or any questions.
Jay Michtom, Chair – 818-368-1957 – Email.


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Viviana Acosta   (Mexican)
Frances Ajoian   (Armenian)   DECEASED
Tayyar Akdeniz   (Turkish)
Aisha Ali   (Danse Orientale)
Bill Alkire and Susan English   (Clog, squares, international)
Don Allen   (Squares)   DECEASED
Peg Allmund   (Squares)   DECEASED
Aaron Alpert   (Israeli)
Bob Altman   (International)
Nidia Amaya   (Central American)   DECEASED
Anna Angelova   (Filipino)
Arsen Anooshian   (Armenian)   DECEASED
Francisca Reyes Aquino   (Filipino)   DECEASED
George and Irina Arabagi   (Ukrainian, Moldavian)
Loreen Arbus   (Argentine Tango)
Filip Arilon   (Macedonian)
Don Armstrong   (Contras, Squares, folk, quadrilles, old-time rounds)   DECEASED
Juha-Matti Aronen and Leena Yläneva   (Finnish)
Leng and Yigal Asayag Tan   (Israeli, Middle Eastern)
Yo'av Ashriel   (Israeli)
Pece Atanasovski   (Macedonian)   DECEASED
Ed Austin   (International, Welsh, Clogging)
Vasil' Avramenko   (Ukrainian)   DECEASED


Shlomo and Dina Bachar   (Israeli)
Roberto Bagnoli   (Italian, international)
Vesna Bajić and Saša Stojiljković   (Serbian)
Gustáv Balázs   (Hungarian, Gypsy)
Richard Balázs   (Hungarian)
Glenn and Evelyn Bannerman   (Appalachian big circle dancing, clogging)   DECEASED
Ren Bannerman   (Appalachian clog, big circle dancing)
Beverly and Irwin Barr   (International)   DECEASED
Sevi Bayraktar   (Balkan, Turkish, Roma)
Daniel and Gaelyn Beal   (Norwegian)
Wim Bekooy   (Dutch, Balkan, international)
Vytautas Beliajus   (Lithuanian, international)   DECEASED
Erik Bendix   (International)
Nils Bergquist   (International)   DECEASED
Fred Berk   (Israeli)   DECEASED
Grace Bernhard   (Hawaiian, Polynesian)
Ira Bernstein   (Traditional American Dance)
René and Frances Besné   (Bulgarian)
Barbara Bevan   (Eastern European)
Georg and Marguerite Bidstrup   (International)   DECEASED
Caspar Bik   (Georgian, International)
Louise Bilman   (Greek)   DECEASED
Sunni Bloland   (Romanian)
Celia Bocobo-Olivar   (Filipino)   DECEASED
Per-Erik and Angela Boij   (Czechoslovakian)
Tara Bolker   (English, contra, community dance)
František Bonuš   (Czechoslovakian)   DECEASED
Jitka Bonušová   (Czechoslovakian)
Edith Bourbin   (Greek, international)
Benoit Bourque   (French Canadian)
Dennis Boxell   (Balkan)   DECEASED
Neva Boyd   (International, folk games)   DECEASED
Iliana Bozhanova   (Bulgarian)
Tom Bozigian and Sheree King   (Armenian)
Bashkim Braho   (Albanian)
David Brandon   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Mary Brandon   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Mary Branigan   (Scottish)
Penny Brichta   (Israeli)
Camille Brochu   (Bulgarian, French Canadian)
Vonnie Brown   (Czechoslovakian)
Mildred Buhler   (Squares, international)   DECEASED
Elizabeth Burchenal   (International)   DECEASED
Robert Burger   (Scottish, English, international)
Billy and Susie Burke   (Balkan, international)
Scot and Erin Byars   (Squares, rounds)


Patricia Campbell   (Colonial, 18th Century)
Cane and Snezana Carovski   (Macedonian, Balkan)
Yoni Carr   (Israeli, ballroom)
Michel and Marie Cartier   (Bulgarian, Balkan, international)
Mario Casetta   (International)   DECEASED
Betty Casey   (Square dance, round dance, international)   DECEASED
Susan Cashion   (Mexican)   DECEASED
Mario Casillas   (International)   DECEASED
Louis Chalif   (Russian, Ukrainian, international)   DECEASED
Chang Ching-shan and Chen Fang-chih   (Taiwanese)
Dave and Emma Charlebois   (Scandinavian)
Rosie Chavarria-Peňa   (Mexican)
Hazel Chung   (Indonesian)
Eugene Ciejka   (Polish)   DECEASED
Ed Cirio   (West Coast Swing)
Silviu Ciuciumiș   (Romanian)
Sibyl Clark   (English)   DECEASED
Sherry Cochran   (Balkan, international)
Karen Codman   (Israeli, international)
Paul Collins   (Contra, squares)
Paula Kermiet Connolly   (Squares)
Lucia Cordeiro   (Brazilian)
Alix Cordray   (Norwegian, Scandinavian)
Mary Coros   (Greek)
Pampa Cortés   (Argentine)   DECEASED
Gary Coyne   (Hungarian Cycles)
C. Ward Crampton   (International)   DECEASED
Caroline Crawford   (International)   DECEASED
Michael Creditor   (Balkan, Eastern European)
Dick Crum   (Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian, Slovenian, Balkan, international)   DECEASED
Stella Marek Cushing   (International)   DECEASED
Lucile Czarnowski   (International)   DECEASED
Andor and Ann Czompo   (Hungarian)   ANDOR DECEASED


Susanna Daley   (Finnish)   DECEASED
Bob Dalsemer   (Contras, squares, circle dances, English country)
Ami Dalyot   (Israeli)
Rudy Dannes   (International)   DECEASED
Cathy Dark   (International)
Dani Dassa   (Israeli)
David Dassa   (Israeli)
Alexandru David   (Russian, Romanian)
Mihai David   (Romanian)
Dorothy and Tom Daw   (International)   DECEASED
Alura Flores de Angeles   (Mexican)   DECEASED
Candi deAlaiza   (Basque)
Tom Deering   (Balkan)   DECEASED
Susan de Guardiola   (Disco, English, French, Vintage)
Bianca de Jong   (Bulgarian, Turkish, international)
Rose Marie de Reyes   (Mexican)   DECEASED
Duygu Demirlioğlu   (Turkish, Armenian, Assyrian)
Ciga and Ivon Despotović   (Yugoslavian)   DECEASED
Milo Destanovski   (Macedonian)
Pierre Sandor Dianankouezi   (Congolese)
Rosina Didyk   (Hungarian, international)
Gary Diggs   (Argentine, Hungarian, Scandinavian, Vintage)
Ivan Dimitrov   (Bulgarian)
Elena Dimitrova   (Bulgarian)
Raul and Nora Dinzelbacher   (Argentine Tango)
Celest DiPietropaolo and Marie DiCocco   (Italian)
Desa Djordjević   (Serbian)
Baykal Doğan   (Caucasus)
Shawn Donaldson   (Balkan, Middle Eastern)   DECEASED
Iris Dragan   (Polynesian)
Dénes Dreisziger and Gissella Santayana   (Hungarian)
Jimmy Drury   (Balkan, international)
Liz Drury   (Mexican)
Nelda Drury   (Mexican)   DECEASED
Jerry Duke   (Clogging, international)
Elsie Dunin   (Croatia, Macedonia, and Romani (Gypsy) in Macedonia)
Paul and Gretel Dunsing   (German, Austrian, international)   DECEASED
Richard and Ruth Levin Duree   (Balkan, Hungarian, international)   DECEASED
Ada Dziewanowska   (Polish)   DECEASED
Basia Dziewanowska   (Polish)
Jaś Dziewanowski   (Polish)


Peter and Margaret Eccles   (English ountry Dance)   DECEASED
Ya'akov Eden   (Israeli)
David Edery   (Israeli)
Ziva Emtiyaz   (Middle Eastern, fitness)
Gordon Engler   (Balkan, Hungarian, international)   DECEASED
Tommy and Ewa Englund   (Swedish)
Fred and Mary Enholm   (English, international)   DECEASED
Paul Erfer   (International)   DECEASED
Helene Eriksen   (Islamic Oriental, Balkan)
Moshe Eskayo   (Israeli)   DECEASED
Vincent and Robin Evanchuk   (Ukrainian, Cajun)   DECEASED
Karsten Evers and Ulrike Frydrych   (French)


Zoltán Farkas and Ildikó Tóth   (Hungarian)
Jane Farwell   (Scandinavian, international)   DECEASED
Ivan "John" Filcich   (Yugoslavian, international)
Reinhold Fink   (German)   DECEASED
Cristian Florescu and Sonia Dion   (Romanian)
Bridget Floyd   (Irish)
George A. Fogg   (English)   DECEASED
Sue Foy   (Eastern European)
Mae Fraley   (Italian, contras)
Toni Francis   (Israeli, international)
Nils Fredland   (Contras, Squares)
Florence Freehof   (Israeli, Jewish)   DECEASED
Joan Friedberg   (Greek, Balkan)
Robyn Friend   (Persian)
Saul and Suzy Frommer   (International)


May Gadd   (English)   DECEASED
Ghanima Gaditana   (Danse Orientale)
Bora and Marge Gajicki   (Serbian)   BORA DECEASED
Eliyahu Gamliel   (Israeli)   DECEASED
Cesar Garfiaz   (Salsa Ruez)
Dale and Ruth Garrett   (Squares, international)   DECEASED
Ned and Marian Gault   (Hungarian, international)
Michael Gelman   (German, Austrian, Transylvanian, Bulgarian, international)
Morry Gelman   (German, Bavarian, Austrian, international)   DECEASED
Merilyn Gentry and Nora Nuckles   (Hawaiian, Tahitian, Polynesian)
Paul Ginis   (Greek)   DECEASED
Michael Ginsburg   (Balkan)
Steve Glaser   (Balkan)   DECEASED
Barry Glass   (Balkan)
Henry Glass   (Mexican, international)   DECEASED
Jim Gold   (International)
Erica Goldman   (Israeli)
Ed and Carol Goller   (Scandinavian, Scottish, international)
Vicky Goodloe   (Scottish)
Ayalah Goren-Kadman   (Israeli)
Todor Gotchev and Irina Gotcheva   (Bulgarian)
Karin Gottier   (German, Swiss, French)
Shmulik Gov-Ari   (Israeli)
Jim Graham   (International)   DECEASED
Joe Graziosi   (Greek)
David Green   (Hungarian, international)
Sharon Green   (English)
Edy Greenblatt   (Israeli, International)
Madelynne Greene   (International)   DECEASED
Herb Greggerson   (West Texas Squares)   DECEASED
Walter Grothe   (International)   DECEASED
Luther Gulick   (International)   DECEASED
Ruth Browns Gundelfinger   (Israeli)
Elba Gurzau   (Italian, international)   DECEASED


Bob Hager   (Squares, American Indian, international)   DECEASED
Moshiko Halevy   (Yemenite, Israeli)
Alexander Hamilton   (Welsh)
Bruce Hamilton   (English, Scottish)
Stan Hamilton   (Scottish, Welsh)   DECEASED
John Hancock   (International)   DECEASED
Miriam Handler   (Israeli, international)
Inge Hansen   (Danish)   DECEASED
Joan Hantman   (Israeli, Bulgarian)
Lawton and Sally Harris   (Scandinavian, international)   DECEASED
Danny and Joan Hathaway   (Irish, Celtic, international)
Germain and Louise Hébert   (French)
Denise Heenan   (Balkan, international)
Dusán Hégli   (Hungaruan)
Jerry Helt   (Squares)   DECEASED
Graham Hempel   (Contra, Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian, Yugoslavian)   DECEASED
Deanne Hendricks   (Hungarian, Polynesian)
David Henry   (Greek)   DECEASED
Michael and Mary Ann Herman   (International)   DECEASED
Waltraud Hermann   (German)   DECEASED
Shalom Hermon   (Israeli)   DECEASED
Benjamin Hernández   (Mexican folklorico)
Drew Herzig   (Scandinavian, Balkan, international)
Roy Hilburn   (Squares, contras, Cajun, international)   DECEASED
Nicolaas and Maki Hilferink   (Romanian, ballet)
Kathy Hindman   (Balkan)
Mary Wood Hinman   (Gymnastic, Swedish, international)   DECEASED
Roy Hinton   (Ballroom, Latin, Country Western, Two-step, Line)   DECEASED
Richard Hladio   (Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Yugoslavian)
Erik Hoffman   (Contras, family dances)
Huig Hofman   (German, Flemmish)   DECEASED
Rickey Holden   (Squares, contras, international)   DECEASED
Vera Holleuffer   (American Squares)   DECEASED
Stefanie Holzman   (Scandinavian)
Ken Horwege   (Clogging, Appalachian)
Ron and Tatiana Houston   (International)
Rouben Hovhannessian   (Armenian)
Vincent Hsu   (Taiwanese, Indian, Japanese, Tibetan)
Thea Huijgen   (Balkan, international, ballet, tap, hip-hop)
Yvonne Hunt   (Greek, Balkan)
James Hutson   (English)
Dale Hyde   (Canadian)   DECEASED
Leslie Hyll   (International)


Moshe Idan   (Balkan)
Martin Ihns   (Macedonian, Albanian)
Georgi and Jordanka Iliev   (Bulgarian)   DECEASED
Petur Iliev   (Bulgarian)
Boris Ilievski   (Macedonian)
Carmen Irminger   (Swiss)   DECEASED
Stan Isaacs   (Israeli, international)
Anthony Ivancich   (International)
Daniela Ivanova-Nyberg   (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian)


Per and Margareta Jennische   (Swedish)
Gigi Jensen   (Argentine)
Mary Bee Jensen   (International)   DECEASED
Željko Jergan   (Croatian)
Arden Johnson   (Squares)   DECEASED
Nick Jordanoff   (Balkan)   DECEASED
Anatol Joukowsky and Yania Wassilieva   (International)   DECEASED
Mary Judson   (Contra, English, Morris, Scottish)   DECEASED


Gurit Kadman   (Israeli)   DECEASED
Jim Kahan   (Scandinavian)
Frank Kaltman   (International)   DECEASED
Natty Kamikura   (Japanese)
Çavit Kangöz   (Turkish)   DECEASED
Jonathon Karmon   (Israeli)
Athan Karras   (Greek)   DECEASED
M. G. Karsner   (English, Danish, international)   DECEASED
Genci Kastrati   (Albanian)
Nina Kavardjikova   (Bulgarian)
Larry and Joanne Keithley   (International)   DECEASED
Jennifer Kelly   (Scottish)
Chris Kermiet   (Squares, contras, international)
Paul and Pauline Kermiet   (Squares, international)   DECEASED
Teme Kernerman   (Israeli)
Harry Khamis   (Swedish, Scandinavian, international)
Ercüment Kılıç   (Turkish)
Nora Kindness   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Jack Kinneer   (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Polynesian)   DECEASED
Olga Kirk   (Galician)
István Kis and Erika Kis Demeter   (Hungarian)
Éva Maria Kish   (Hungarian)
Evren Soytopcu Kıyak   (Turkish)
Jan Knoppers   (International)
Lambert Knox   (Round Dancing)   DECEASED
Martin Koenig   (Balkan)
Walter Kögler   (German)   DECEASED
Atanas Kolarovski   (Macedonian)   DECEASED
Kosta Kolev   (Bulgarian)
Abe Konegson   (Irish)   DECEASED
Hennie Konings   (Russian)
Simos Konstantinou   (Greek)
Yannis Konstantinou   (Greek)
Radboud Koop   (Russian, international)
Elsche Korf   (Dutch)
Kostana   (Turkish Oriental, Turkish Romani, Danse Orientale)
Tanya Kostova   (Bulgarian)
Steve and Susan Kotansky   (Balkan)
Marija Krapcevich   (Serbian)
Richard G. Kraus   (Squares, play party dances)   DECEASED
Nikola Krčadinac   (Serbia)
Ed Kremers   (Squares, international)   DECEASED
Ed Kremers Jr.   (Squares)
Nadine Krstić   (Serbian)
Carolyn Krueger   (Middle Eastern, Central Asian)
Tom Kruskal   (English)
Michael Kuharski   (International)
Olga Kulbitsky   (International)   DECEASED
Craig Kurumada   (Japanese)


Rod and Helen La Farge   (Squares, international)   DECEASED
Glenn Laigast and Lori Betraut   (Zydeco, Cajun)   DECEASED
Dvora Lapson   (Israeli, international)   DECEASED
Iacob Lascu   (Romanian)   DECEASED
Dudley and Jaqueline Laufman   (Contras, New England barn dances)
Jimmy Lavita   (Scandinavian, international)   DECEASED
Jeannot le Coz   (Brittany)
Christianne le Nendre   (French)   DECEASED
Anne Leach   (International)
Yves Leblanc   (French)   DECEASED
Jaap Leegwater   (Bulgarian, Balkan, Dutch)
Bob Leibman   (Balkan)
Lisa Lekis   (Latin American, Caribbean)   DECEASED
Roo Lester   (Scandinavian, Hungarian, Spanish Basque, international)
Ellen Levand   (Romanian, international)   DECEASED
Sara Levi-Tanai   (Israeli)   DECEASED
Morley Leyton and Monique Legaré   (Polish)   MORLEY DECEASED
Millie Libaw   (International)   DECEASED
Bill and Louise Lidicker   (Czech, Russian, international)
Miriam Lidster   (Israeli, international)   DECEASED
Noel Lillie   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Gary and Susan Lind-Sinanian   (Armenian, Assyrian, Arabic, Greek)
Jerry Joris Lindsay   (International, novelty)   DECEASED
Dean and Nancy Linscott   (Hungarian, international)
Ann Litvin   (Israeli, Balkan, international)   DECEASED
James Lomath   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Sanna Longden   (Play party, international)
Simon Løvald   (Norwegian)
Juan Lozano and Jean Sandos   (Mexican)   DECEASED
Larisa Lucaci   (Romanian)   DECEASED
Ahmet & Tracy Lüleci   (Turkish)
John Lulias   (Greek)
Greg Lund   (Clogging)
Paula Luv   (Hula)
Larry Lynch   (Irish)   DECEASED


Iain MacFarlane   (Scottish)
Kamrin MacKnight   (Scottish)
Elena Macovei   (Moldovan, Russian)
Vivienne Mader   (Hawaiian)   DECEASED
Kálmán and Judith Magyar   (Hungarian)
Vicki Maheu   (Irish, international)
Samy Makar   (Balroom, Salsa Rueda)
Dimitar Manov   (Bulgarian)
Michael Marangio   (Social dance, Charleston, Lindy Hop, Shag, Swing)
Miroslav Marčetić   (Serbian, Eastern European)
Jacek and Bożena Marek   (Polish)
Dolores Mariano   (Filipino)
Konstantine Marinov   (Bulgarian)
Alex Marković   (Serbian, Greek, Balkan)
Sarah Anindo Marshall   (African)
Tom Masterson   (Ukrainian)
Vilma Matchette   (Armenian, Greek)   DECEASED
Danny Matousek   (International)   DECEASED
Nibs and Jean Matthews   (English ountry Dance)   DECEASED
Anna Mavrou   (Greek)
Kalliopi Mavrou   (Greek)
Ann McBride   (Scottish)
Bruce McClure   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Roy & Zibby McCutchan   (Squares)   DECEASED
Dan McDonald   (Squares, rounds)   DECEASED
Terry McDonald   (International)   DECEASED
Dennis "Tzigane" McDonough   (International)
Elma McFarland   (English)   DECEASED
Maire McGranahan   (Irish)
John McIntire   (Contras, squares, English Country)
Jack and Lucile McKay   (Squares, contras, rounds)   DECEASED
Pat McMonagle   (Zwiefacher, Scandinavian Gammaldans, family and children's dance, international)
Robert and Barbara McOwen   (Scottish)
George Mechan   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Phil Merrill   (English)   DECEASED
Nikos Michailidis   (Pontic)
Campbell Miller   (Social dance)
Chris and Lynnanne Miller   (Hungarian, Argentine, American)
Joe Miller   (Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Polish)
Jean C. Milligan   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Bruce Mitchell   (International)   DECEASED
Carolyn Mitchill   (Squares, international)   DECEASED
Kostas Mitsis   (Greek)
Chieko Mizoguchi   (Hawaiian)   DECEASED
Gagik Mkhitaryan   (Armenian)
Kyriakos Moisidis   (Greek)
Bea Montross   (International)   DECEASED
André Montsion   (French Canadian, Greek, Romanian, and Serbian)
Yves Moreau and France-Bourque Moreau   (Bulgarian)   YVES DECEASED
John Morovich   (Croatian)
James E. Morrison   (American, American Colonial)   DECEASED
Virgil Morton   (International)   DECEASED
Marcus Moskoff   (Bulgarian)   DECEASED
Paul Mulders   (Yugoslavian, Macedonian, Roma)
Kay Munn   (Scottish)
George and Adrienne Murton   (Squares, international)   DECEASED


Zoltán Nagy   (Hungarian)
Natalie Nayun   (Afgan, Iranian, Modern/Contemporary, Persian, Tajikistani, Uzbek)
Mary Neal   (English)   DECEASED
Grace West Newman   (International)   DECEASED
Sonny and Nancy Newman   (Tango, Greek)
Grace Perryman Nicholes   (International)   DECEASED
Rikki Nicolae   (Turkish, Bulgarian)
Glenn Nielsen   (Balkan)
Jean Noble   (Scottish)


Jeff O'Connor   (Big Circle Mountain Clogging)
Una and Sean O'Farrell   (Irish)
Dick Oakes   (International)
Knut and Bodil Odnes   (Norwegian)
Knud Øland   (Scandinavian)   DECEASED
John Omorean   (Romanian)
Lee Otterholt   (International)
Susan Ounjian   (Armenian)
Margalit Oved   (Yemenite)
John Owen   (English)   DECEASED
Joseph Oyewusi   (Ghanian, Nigerian)
Bora Özkök   (Turkish)   DECEASED
Taner and Piyale Öztek   (Turkish)


Rubén Pachas   (Peruvian)   DECEASED
Ralph Page   (Squares, contras)   DECEASED
David Paletz   (Israeli)
Csaba Pálfi   (Hungarian)   DECEASED
Gergana Panova-Tekath   (Bulgarian)
Kristalli Papadopoulos   (Greek)
Tom Papadopoulos   (Greek)
Christos Papakostas   (Greek)
Pistu Papp   (Hungarian)
John and Paula Pappas   (Greek)
Rene'e Park   (Hawaiian, Polynesian)
Bob Parker   (English)   DECEASED
Tony Parkes   (Contras, squares)   DECEASED
Mariana Paunova   (Bulgarian)
Bernardo T. Pedere   (Filipino)
Maurice Perez   (Israeli)
Vladimir Perfiloff   (Russian, Ukrainian)   DECEASED
Filip Petkovski   (Macedonian, Near Eastern)
Vlasto Petkovski   (Macedonian)
Ted Petrides   (Greek)   DECEASED
Dimitar Petrov   (Bulgarian, international)
Petre Petrov   (Bulgarian)
Albert Pill   (Mexican)   DECEASED
Bill Pillich   (Social Dance)   DECEASED
Ralph Piper   (Squares, contras)   DECEASED
Miljenko Piskorić   (Croatian)
David Pollock   (Israeli)
Gheorge and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz   (Romanian)   DECEASED
Richard Powers   (Social Dance, Vintage Dance)
Marcel Pronovost   (International)
Emilio Pulido   (Mexican)   DECEASED
Jan Pumpr   (Czechoslovakian)
Dobrivoje Putnik   (Serbian)   DECEASED


Bobby Quibodeaux and Pat Henderson   (International)
Colin Quigley   (Irish, European)
Tom Quinn   (Irish)


Catherine Ramsay   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Carolyn Rapkievian   (Armenian, international, character ballet, ballroom)
Sidsel Rattso   (Norwegian)
Joyce Reed   (South American)   DECEASED
Janet Reineck   (Albanian, Western European, Eastern European)
Maria Reisch   (International)
Alice Reisz   (Hungarian)   DECEASED
Radomil Rejšek and Eva Rejšková   (Czechoslovakian)
Mikki Revenaugh   (International)
Jana Rickel   (International)
Šani Rifati   (Romani)
Paty Rios   (Mexican)
Tom Roby   (Contras, international)
Suzanne Rocca-Butler   (Serbian, Macedonian, international)
Pirkko Roecker   (Fundamentals of Motion and Rhythm)   DECEASED
Lynn and Katherine Rohrbough   (International)   DECEASED
James M. Roncević   (Romanian)
Tom Roncević   (Yugoslav, Bulgarian)
Carlos Rosas   (Mexican)   DECEASED
Dave Rosenberg   (German, international)   DECEASED
W. Lilian Ross   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Ruth Ruling   (International)   DECEASED
Nancy Lee Ruyter   (Balkan, international)
Anta Ryman   (Scandinavian)   DECEASED


Hardeep Singh Sahota   (Bhangra club dancing)
Neal Sandler   (Balkan, Hungarian)   DECEASED
Olga Sandolowich   (Macedonian, Balkan)
Daniel Sandu   (Romanian)
Jack Sankey   (Squares, international)   DECEASED
Ted Sannella   (American)   DECEASED
Ferenc and Zsusanna Sára   (Hungarian)
Nikos Savvidis   (Pontic Greek)
June Schaal   (Finnish, Scandinavian)   DECEASED
Don Schillinger   (Israeli)
Jim Schlesinger   (Bulgarian, Balkan)   DECEASED
Wolfgang Schlüter   (German)
Richard Schmidt   (Polish)
Burt and Therese Scholin   (International)   DECEASED
Fredda Seidenbaum   (Cajun, zydeco)
Jan Sejda   (Polish)   DECEASED
Fusae Senzaki-Carroll   (Balkan, Turkish)
Ersin Seyhan   (Turkish)
Stew and Kathie Shacklette   (Squares, contras, international)   DECEASED
Laura Shannon   (Armenian, Balkan, Gypsy)
Cecil Sharp   (English)   DECEASED
Sheila Sharpe   (Israeli)
Lloyd Shaw   (Squares, rounds, contras)   DECEASED
Anthony Shay   (Persian, international)
Paul Sheldon   (International)
Murray Sherman   (Russian)   DECEASED
Diki Shields   (Greek, international)   DECEASED
Katina Shields   (Greek, Clogging)
Genevieve Shimer   (English)   DECEASED
David Shochat   (Bulgarian, Balkan)
Shoshanna   (Dance Orientale)
Audrey Silva   (International, ballroom, vintage)   DECEASED
Marie Silva   (Danse Orientale)
Caroline Simmonds   (Greek)
Adrienne Simpson   (French, Galician, Swing, Couple Dancing)
Joti Singh   (Bollywood, Bhangra, Guinea)
Rina Singha   (Indian Kathak)
Vasilios Sioulas   (Greek)
Anne Gani Sirota   (Greek)
John Skow   (Balkan, international)
Dave and Fran Slater   (International)   DECEASED
Slobodan Slović   (Serbian)   DECEASED
Ann Smerciu   (Romanian, international)
Ace Smith   (Squares, rounds)   DECEASED
C. Stewart Smith   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Irene Smith   (International)   DECEASED
Marilyn Smith   (French)
David Smukler   (Contras, squares, mixers)
Alison Snow   (Turkish)
Ingvar and Sally Sodal   (Scandinavian)
John Sofios   (Greek)   DECEASED
Ted Sofios   (Greek)   DECEASED
Nena Šokčić   (Croatian)   DECEASED
Sebastian Solomon   (Hungarian)
Ventzi and Zoya Sotirov   (Bulgarian)
Evren Soytopçu Kıyak   (Turkish)
Don Sparks   (International)   DECEASED
Vladimir Spasojević   (Serbian)
Katherine St. John   (Caucasian, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, international)
Michel St-Louis   (French Canadian)   DECEASED
Belčo Stanev   (Bulgarian)
Sandy Starkman   (International)
Osmyn and Marjorie Stout   (International)   DECEASED
Rebecca Stout   (Clogging)
Orsolya Strack   (Hungarian)
Elizabeth Strong   (Dance Orientale, Turkish Roman)
Rivka Sturman   (Israeli)   DECEASED
Sari Suokas   (Finnish)
Ralph Sweet   (Squares, contras)   DECEASED
István Szabó   (Hungarian)
Szilárd Szabó and Ildikó Németh   (Hungarian)
Tamás Szappanos and Kristina Baji   (Hungarian)


Iwao Tamaoki   (Japanese)
Samira Tamer   (Mid-Eastern, Turkish)
Demetris Tashie   (Greek)
Chris Tasulis   (Greek)   DECEASED
Zafra Tatcher   (Israeli)
Andy Taylor-Blenis   (Scottish, Portuguese, international)
Bruce Taylor   (Scandinavian)   DECEASED
Conny and Marianne Taylor   (International)   DECEASED
Mady Taylor   (Balkan, Greek, International)
Shemiram Tehran   (Assyrian)   DECEASED
Sergei Temoff   (Russian)   DECEASED
Sandy Tepfer   (English, Rounds)   DECEASED
Georgi and Vaerie Terzieff   (Russian)   DECEASED
Paul-André Tétreault   (French Canadian)   DECEASED
Bonnie Jean and Tommy Thomas   (Appalachian clog, Appalachian big circle, squares)
Allison Thompson   (English)
Hugh Thurston   (Scottish, international)   DECEASED
John and Susan Tiffany   (Scottish, international)   DECEASED
Sándor Timár   (Hungarian)
Ester Timbancaya   (Filipino)
Bentzi Tiram   (Israeli)   DECEASED
Tibor Toghia   (Hungarian)
Bob and Kathy Tomlinson   (Contra, squares, international)
George Tomov   (Macedonian)   DECEASED
Gordon Tracie   (Scandinavian)   DECEASED
Frank and Jane Tripi   (International)
Donna and Doug Tripp   (Scandinavian, international)
Lorenzo Trujillo   (Mexican)
Rebecca Tsai   (Taiwanese, Chinese, Balkan)
Agis Tsakalakos   (Greek)
Klaus Tschurtschenthaler   (Austrian)   DECEASED
Nikolay Tsvetkov   (Macedonian, Bulgarian)
Loui Tucker   (Israeli, international)
Richard Turcotte   (French-Canadian)


Rudy Ulibarrí   (German, Mexican, international)   DECEASED
Elizabeth and Alfred Ullrich   (German, Flemish)   DECEASED
Annemargaret Ulrich   (German)
Richard Unciano   (Bulgarian)   DECEASED
Ezher Üremez   (Turkish, Israeli, international)   DECEASED
Marius and Maria Ursu   (Romanian)
Danni Uziel   (Israeli)


Stefan Vagralov   (Bulgarian)
Nirupama Vaidyanathan   (Indian)
Dorian van de Belt   (International)  
Femke van Doorn   (Dutch)   DECEASED
Maurits and Tineke van Geel   (Armenian, Dutch, Rom, Caucasian)
Elinor Vandegrift   (Scottish)
Theodor and Lia Vasilescu   (Romanian)   DECEASED
Zoran Vasiljević   (Balkan)
Al Vincent   (International)   DECEASED
David Vinski   (Balkan, Armenian)
Lilian Vlandi   (Greek)
Vern and Millie von Konsky   (International)   DECEASED
Mary Vouras   (Greek)   DECEASED
Rubi Vučeta   (Balkan)   DECEASED
Marko Vukadinovič   (Serbian)


Jim Waldron   (Arabic)   DECEASED
Carol Walker   (Balkan)
Mary Wallace and Ferenc Tobac   (Hungarian)
Joe Wallin   (Scottish)
Joan Walton   (Ragtime, Social, Tap, Vintage)
Marilyn Wathen   (French, French Canadian)
Bobby Watson   (Scottish)   DECEASED
Glenn Weber   (Polish)
Phyllis Weikart   (Recreational dance, rhythmic movement)   DECEASED
Larry Weiner   (Balkan)
Steve Weintraub   (Yiddish, Klezmer)
Rachel Weisblatt   (Israeli)
Ira Weisburd   (Israeli, international)
Marie Wendt   (French, international)
Bev and Ginny Wilder   (Squares, contras, international)   DECEASED
John Williams   (Scottish)
Patricia Williams   (Scottish, international)
Sue Williard   (Balkan, international)
Alex Wilson   (Hungarian, international)   DECEASED
Dave Winston   (Contra)
Robin Witschi   (Swiss)   DECEASED
Ron Wixman   (Bulgarian, Armenian, Macedonian, Balkan)
Lucy Wnuk   (Polish)
Vivian Woll   (International)   DECEASED
Carl Wolz   (Asian)   DECEASED



Israel Yakovee   (Israeli)
Yuliyan Yordanov   (Bulgarian)
Gordon and Ellen Youle   (International)
David Young   (International)
L. DeWayne Young   (Clog, American Squares, Contras, international)   DECEASED


Steve Zalph   (International)
Laura Zanzi de Chavarria   (South American)
Götz Zinser   (Hungarian)
Nikos Zournatzidis   (Pontian)
Zoltán and Ildiko Zsuráfszki   (Hungarian)
Jessaiah Zuré   (Turkish)

    B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z